SAFE HOMES Campaign and Pledge: Youth Alcohol and Substance Use

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SAFE HOMES™ creates a network of parents and community working together to ensure a safe, healthy, drug-free environment for all youth.

Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention efforts are only effective when everyone in a community support and enforce clear, consistent “No Use” messages and policies regarding children and drugs. Parents working together can make a tremendous difference in the lives of children.

Parents are the primary educators of their children and help their children make good decisions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. We believe when parents join together and unite against drug use, they create positive changes in their neighborhoods and communities.

SAFE HOMES is a parent networking campaign. A SAFE HOMES network can provide support for parents and guardians in their efforts to have safe, healthy, drug-free homes, neighborhoods, and communities.

The message is consistently “No Use” of any alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs by youth. This “No Use” message is a constant thread throughout all effective prevention programs, and it is strongly encouraged to be a common policy and message in every home.

The SAFE HOMES network starts in the home, in a school, in a neighborhood and spreads throughout a community. We have found it’s best to build a strong foundation of interested parents willing to be actively involved, and then to recruit and expand with new parents. Parents talk to each other and unite in a clear “No Use” message to children by maintaining that there will be “No Use” of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs in their homes or on their property. By working together around this simple principle, parents provide the consistency necessary to reduce the pressures children feel to use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to fit into a lifestyle promoted by media and sometimes their peers.