Bring Out a Photo Album, Get to Know Your Family
Have you ever sat down with family members and started looking through old photo albums together? The curiosity begins to simmer when you start asking the questions, “who’s that?”, “what’s going on here”, or “where was this picture taken?”. The stories of family vacations and, even though we didn’t think so at the time, the adventures that we, and other family members experienced together are priceless. Whether we realize it at the time or not, these are the stories that are going to keep our memories alive long after we are gone. They will continue to live on passing from generation to generation.
With the invention of screens and ever-improving technology efforts, we still need to remember the importance of printed photographs. The ones that we can write on the backs of, listing who is in the picture, and when and where the picture was taken. We need to remember that photo albums will exist even if we don’t have electricity for one reason or another. By having these memories printed out, we can share them with our younger family members, telling them stories of their grandparents, sharing the experiences of days when we didn’t have seatbelt laws and kids were able to sit in the back window of a hatchback vehicle, or times when you and your mother went hiking in the woods in the mountains of Colorado looking for a bear while on a family vacation. Like I said, things might not have seemed like an adventure at the time, but looking back on them now, the words “what were we thinking?” come to mind.