When Your Friends Become Your Family

The importance of family is very, very strong. Knowing that you have people in your life who care about you and love you just for who you are is hard to describe. These people have seen you at your best as well as at your worst. They are the ones who show up to celebrate you for the big things AND the small things; and who show up to help pull you out of a ditch, both literally and figuratively, if the situation calls for it.

Some people have been very blessed with a big family. The kind of family that comes together to celebrate everyone’s birthdays, anniversaries, all the major and minor holidays. They even are close enough to take vacations together! However, not everyone is as “blessed” to have that kind of family. Others have a smaller kind of family which may only consist of a few members who rarely have the opportunity or travel dollars to come together often. Perhaps they live far apart from each other, or maybe they don’t have the luxury of minimal personality conflicts. In these instances, we are inclined to cultivate other forms of family to meet our needs.

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